Ways to help
Holiday Adopt-A-Family

Holiday Adopt-A-Family

We are gearing up for this wonderful season. Grab your friends and your colleagues to help bring smiles to critically ill children and their siblings.

Please contact Allison Watson if you would like to participate. AllisonWatson@friendsofkaren.org or call Allison at 914-617-4054

Help Friends of Karen deliver gifts and smiles for the holidays!

Every child looks forward to the holidays…

but when parents are struggling to care for a child with cancer or another life-threatening illness, there’s no time for shopping or even thinking about the holidays or buying gifts.

You can make sure Friends of Karen children experience the joys of celebrating the holidays when you take part in our Adopt-A-Family Program.

Here’s how it works:

We ask parents to send us their children’s wish lists. Then we match a caring person like you with a child or children, and you “adopt” them by filling their wish list, which may include age-appropriate toys, clothing, gift cards and other wanted items. We do this for all the ill children as well as their siblings.

You can choose to buy one gift for one child or several gifts for several children – it’s entirely up to you.

We also include gift-wrapping materials when we send your gift(s) to the child’s family so parents can see what is sent and have the pleasure of wrapping the holiday presents. We welcome donations of gift wrap, tape, bows and holiday candy.

If you prefer that we do the shopping for you, we gratefully accept cash contributions designated for the Adopt-A-Family Program.

Go shopping!

If you order online and ship directly to us, please include a gift message with your full name so we know who sent the gift. Please make sure to attach an activation receipt to any gift card you purchase.

Mail or drop off your gifts along with the enclosed Gift Inventory Sheet as soon as possible. (Keep your gift receipts for your tax records.)

Please remember you are making a meaningful commitment to provide gifts for your Friends of Karen child/children. If you cannot find the specific item on their wish list, please call us immediately.

To donate online…

Send checks and gifts to:

Holiday Adopt-a-Family c/o Friends of Karen;
118 Titicus Road; North Salem NY 10560

For more information:

Or call Allison at 914-617-4054

LI donors please call 631-473-1768.