What's New

To: Friends of Karen Families

We Wish You Light

The holiday season is upon us and with that comes the inevitable hustle and bustle, excitement and celebration. We hope that your table is filled with abundance; of food, family and friends. We hope that your days, as the song goes, are merry and bright. A common thread that weaves throughout different cultures and religions during the holiday season is

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Dr. Sarah Norris

Friends of Karen Boad Member, Dr. Sarah Norris



Family Support


of every dollar supports children and families

Family Support

18, 311

children helped since our founding in 1978


below poverty line family income


Families Supported in December

Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers come in all sizes: children, teens, young professionals, retirees, and all ages in between. We even have multi-generational families who volunteer! We’ll match your time and talents to programs, projects and needs that enable Friends of Karen to support families.


We are proud to have the support and confidence of our corporate partners. Their generosity strengthens our ability to be a lifeline to our families.