Spring Newsletter 2021

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Resilience, the theme of this newsletter, is a defining characteristic of our Friends of Karen (FoK) children and their families.  Against what seem like insurmountable challenges, they tap into…
Staff Profile: Terri
Hello, my name is Terri, and I am the Director of Finance and Administration for Friends of Karen.  This June will mark ten years that I have worked for this amazing organization.
A Family Stays Strong by Accepting Help
Gang and Lihong were living a parent’s worst nightmare. Their teenage daughter Xingyu was more than 1,000 miles away in Florida during a hurricane, and she was suffering from a strange headache…
A Big Sister Finds Comfort through Support

At the end of 2019, Eden, now four, suddenly started to have difficulty walking and complained of pain to her mother, Victoria. Victoria took Eden to the hospital where it was determined the three…

Finding New Opportunities to Heal in Difficult Times

The term resilience is an area of the health field focusing on people coming back from adversity due to disease or trauma. The ability to bounce back from a setback defines those who are best able…

A Family Builds Resilience Together

Tova was a happy three-year-old toddler enjoying a family vacation when her father, Gedalia, noticed her smile was suddenly crooked. By the time they returned home to Rockland County, New York…